temperature extremes

英 [ˈtemprətʃə(r) ɪksˈtriːmz] 美 [ˈtemprətʃər ɛkˈstrimz]

网络  极限温度; 恒温恒湿机极限温度



  1. And temperature extremes reduce animal production of meat or milk products.
  2. If you dislike the cold in winter, you can visit Kunming, the "Spring City" which is spared temperature extremes.
  3. In that weather irregularities are smoothed, by nature, by increased atmospheric activity or ocean currents, temperature extremes will not occur.
  4. Their mud-brick structures have not stood up too well against the eroding winds, drastic temperature extremes, and infrequent rain storms.
  5. With increasing the current and densification process, the position of the maximum temperature moves from the extremes of graphite punches into the interior of powders.
  6. Standard silicon carbide seals provide high resistance to abrasion and corrosion over a wide range of temperature extremes.
  7. The Method to Detect as Well as Assess the Extreme Climate Events and the Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Changes of Temperature and Precipitation Extremes over China during the Second Half of the 20~ ( th) Century
  8. Bigger worms tend to live longer because they can dig deeper, and avoid temperature extremes, soils that are too wet or dry, snow and predators.
  9. This is especially important on northern-aspect slopes, where characteristic regional species are more likely to persist in an era of increasing dryness and temperature extremes.
  10. The length of service time, number of cycles, and the temperature extremes experienced must all be carefully considered when choosing a material.
  11. Application of Mean Generating Function-Optimal Subset Regression to the Prediction of High Temperature Extremes
  12. Effects of Cold-and Heat-hardening on Resistence to Temperature Extremes in Drosophila melanogaster
  13. Distributing characteristics and interdecadal difference of daily temperature and precipitation extremes in China for latest 40 years
  14. Optical fiber sensors can work in high temperature, causticity, strong magnetic field, inflammable and explosive environmental extremes.
  15. With the switch frequency IGBT switching device input impedance high, high, high temperature extremes, driving circuit is simple, driving power small, components such as small loss more than the advantages, is extremely ideal switch components.